My name is Doris Aldrich Smith. I have had ET for sixty years, with my head shaking back and forth, indicating no, no, no. It began in my first year of college. What introverted, shy eighteen-year-old wants to be asked if she is cold, nervous, or under the influence? Many of you relate to that. Now in my seventies, my hands are beginning to shake. We all have our own places in our body where the tremor resides and shakes. Since I retired I have been writing books which are published on
My latest book is “Why Is It Essential? I Want to Know! Insights from Those with Essential Tremor.” There are few books on essential tremor that deal with the embarrassment and pain the patients endure. This book has information about those personal insights and how we deal with them. There is comfort in knowing we are not alone. If your family or friends don’t understand ET, this book might help. I hope you will check it out.
“Why Is It Essential? I Want to Know!” is available at in paperback ($8.99) or Ebook ($.99).
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Doris Aldrich Smith, Fort Wayne, IN (author)