For the past two years. HopeNET has not actively solicited donations. We have been able to do so because we are an all volunteer non-profit.
However circumstances have changed due primarily to two projects:
* A formal study of Essential Tremor and balance and gait. There has been very little research on this issue even though it is a critical issue facing many who have ET. The study is tentatively scheduled to begin this fall. It will be conducted by Janice Sallitt, PT, DPT, NCS. She specializes in Orthopedic & Neuro PT. The study will center on HopeNET’s Columbia, Maryland ET support group.
* In an attempt to increase awareness of Essential Tremor, Mary Cae Asay is going to produce a play about Katherine Hepburn. Because of Mary Cae’s ET, she can make her voice sound identical to Hepburn’s.
More details will follow. These are very exciting times for HopeNET. Please continue to follow our Facebook and Blog as HopeNET continues to take active steps aimed at improving the lives of those with Essential Tremor.
Your donation will be greatly appreciated.